Most people opt for apparel that reflects their personality, and therefore, designing clothes that are functional and aesthetically pleasing is necessary to meet every individual’s demands. We are a part of a fashion revolution. We are designers, producers, makers, workers, and consumers. We love fashion, but we also don’t want our clothes to exploit people or destroy our planet. Let’s break a few stereotypes that surround fashion.

  1. Having gender-specific garments. This is because men can also wear skirts. When a woman dresses like a man, it gives her power, but questions about masculinity are raised when a man dresses as a woman. As we live in a male-dominated society, this becomes a big deal.
  2. Considering the industrial world to be better than the handmade. Fashion is about respecting culture and heritage. It fosters, celebrates, and rewards skills and craftsmanship. It recognizes creativity as its most vital asset. Fashion honours the artisans. In a world full of trends, let’s remain classic. Let’s remember to always honour our traditions.
  3. Fashion can be argued to be the industry that pollutes the environment the most. Most of the clothing in today’s world ends up in the landfill. In the face of today’s climate crisis, second-hand shopping represents a beacon of light for sustainability. Fashion should never unnecessarily be destroyed or discarded, but it should be mindfully redesigned and recuperated in a circular way, which will prevent both our wardrobes and landfills from overflowing with clothes.

Concept and Mood

Craft means much more than just being “slow” or “handmade.” It is a heritage that embodies the richness of a culture’s unique identity and is a beautiful contribution to humanity’s diversity.

Artisan-made products encourage us to ask more questions. They prompt us to learn about how today’s cheaply made clothing has created an industry that hides grave human rights atrocities under layers of bureaucracy, corporate-speak, and marketing. For me, artisan-made implies that a brand is working directly with its makers to provide meaningful and sustainable work, preserving heritage craft traditions that would otherwise become obsolete, and compensating its workers fairly.

People often consider artisan-made products to be expensive, but they may not understand the extra effort required to make each item.

REMEMBER AND HONOR OUR TRADITIONS. “It can be frustrating when our prices are higher, and people don’t understand the extra effort and vigilance we’re putting in.” – Artisans

Tangaliya Craft

illustration and Technical Sketches

Look Book